Tuesday, June 25, 2013


nice to see people are still with me! i've taken a break from blogging and documenting outfits because i've felt pretty down on myself the past few months. since i came home from school, i've felt really guilty both for coming home from school and for working on my disordered eating, especially since the latter changed my body type a bit and was kind of detrimental to the confidence i'd built up since starting work at ragstock.

a lot of people don't really understand the guilt trips i go through over choosing whether or not to eat or to exercise away what i've consumed, and i don't really know how to explain it. it's just been a source for calmness for me for months into years. i still feel bad about my looks and emotions a lot of the time.

someone recently was quizzical towards my interests in fashion and makeup and wondered why, if i'm a feminist, i would care about it at all. it's the same frustrating standpoint that people take of Woman Wants To Be Anything So She Has To Be Everything, the kind of view that a feminist wouldn't want to be a housewife-- it's so typically feminine. so why would i be into fashion? it's stereotypically girly.

i feel like it's one of the least helpful perspectives people attach to feminism. when people ask me why i'm interested in a stereotype, i can't help but think that they've completely missed the idea. i mean.. who.. cares? as long as i have options, it's a non-point.

it isn't for you.

it's for me.


happiness is love necklace, thrift / dress, hazel / watch, gift / shoes, h&m

i wish i could gather my thoughts and express all the frustrations i've had in the past few months regarding human rights, but there's so much that i'll have to keep writing about it when something comes up. it's just become a huge interest to me, and every time someone tries to shut me down, i realize how important it is.

anyway, here's a frilly new outfit. old shoes and accessories, new dress. i kind of feel like a parfait in this dress, but in a good way? it's just like a sweet lemon meringue concoction, definitely lighter than my normal dress code, to celebrate summer being here in full swing.

i hope to actually be posting more. it's hard to go from the bay area back to wisconsin and keep inspired, but i'm going to try to post once or twice a week now.
