california's coming up. i'm about to make some calls to find out if i can meet with some people on campus at the school i really want to attend in the san francisco area. if i can make it work, the visit will happen in mid-january. i'll need it-- i'm feeling the wear and tear of constant gray skies. i'm also not working very much next month, so i need something to take up my time and get me out of the house, out of the town, out of the state, before i lose track of time and just sit around spending the days being morose. even if i were working more, i'd need this. i need this.
on a less desperate note, i just found a blouse that must have belonged to my mother that she clearly doesn't wear anymore. now it's mine. the lace collar is so heinous that it ends up being wonderful, and i love it. i've also just spent some of my gift card money on some new clothes, and i'm about to go search for a new year's dress that i can possibly alter later for something more casual. some people don't quite understand it: clothing is one of my many media. it is pencil, paint, and ink. i love shopping for clothes to combine using my body as a canvas. styling is a creative outlet.
hype me here.
music: soft shock (acoustic) -yeah yeah yeahs
great style. love your necklace