Tuesday, August 9, 2011


this box of raw sugar candies made their way to me by a japanese exchange student teacher. they are absolutely exquisite to the point where i'm afraid to eat them, so for now, they are sitting on my desk and overlooking the mess of pens, paper, and bird wings i have yet to clean up. instead of a sugar fix, i've been getting my energy once again from lots and lots... and lots... of coffee.
on a trip with my own exchange student, i picked up a pretty button-down blouse from ragstock. the piece is covered in pastel flowers and barn swallows-- one of my favorite flyers-- and i've been incorporating it into my combinations almost nonstop for the past week. it's oversized and sheer, and the buttons allow me to wear it like a tunic or a bed jacket. beautiful design.

i have an interview for my first job in a while tomorrow, so i'm very jittery, but i'm feeling pretty positive about the information i submitted and the way i carry myself lately, so hopefully things will go all right. as soon as i get a job at whatever retail store, i'll likely post a lot more items from the store itself. i'm excited. pressure's on.

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